DYOM » StoryLines » Episodes From San Fierro [COMPLETE ZIP]

Episodes From San Fierro [COMPLETE ZIP]

By AnDReJ98

This archive contains complete series of Episodes From San Fierro

Episodes From San Fierro (EFSF) is a mission-pack series that takes place in San Fierro and Bayside between 1988-1995. It contains two stories: The Street Life (prequel) and The Chronicle of Bryan Robinson (original). All 2 stories are connected to each other and have their own style, different side missions/activities and shows San Fierro from 2 different point of views. Idea first came in 2011 to show city from Bryan's eyes (now named The Chronicle Of Bryan Robinson), when he comes back from Germany. It was basically 'Episode' since it showed us one point of view. Now i came up with idea to remake the story and write one more (prequel) story that will show us San Fierro from another point of view in different style. Chronologically it's 'The Street Life' (1988) 'The Chronicle Of Bryan Robinson' (1993)


The Street Life (prequel) - 21 missions (including 4 side missions)
The Chronicle Of Bryan Robinson (original) - 20 (including 2 side missions)

Total number of missions - 41 (including 6 side missions)
Formats - Storyline/One by one mission

For better experience in game:

*Use 'Y' and 'N' (pressing it in the same time while not on a mission) to save/load storyline progress.
*Load progress (or start normal non-DYOM game) before playing those missions. It will cause spawning gangs on the streets like in original game. It's gonna also add the better feel in the missions.


Rockstar Games - GTA San Andreas
Dutchy3010 - Design Your Own Mission
PatrickW - Design Your Own Mission
AnDReJ98 - Story writer, mission designer, producer
OgiElman - Additional work on story
Dyom123 - Writen review of Episode 1 (TCOBR)
Gammoudicj - Writen review of Episode 2 (TCOBR) & (TSL)
Revolver1 - Writen review of Episode 1 (TSL)

For more informations:

My Youtube channel:


Upload Statistics

Last Update
May 05 '15


Rated 5 times, Average 4.4

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Added by Heisenberg_GR on May 05 2015, 21:26
I'll give you my feedback after i play it!
Added by AnDReJ98 on May 06 2015, 14:52
Sure, i'll wait for it.
Added by Heisenberg_GR on Aug 05 2015, 04:53
Sorry for the late but i almost finished it. Great work dude! Seriously, it's classic and i like it! 4/5*
Added by AnDReJ98 on Aug 05 2015, 21:01
Ah i was just checking this once in a while and i see your comment. Thanks for playing!
Added by DOWNING on Aug 14 2015, 13:37
NICE it's just like episodes from liberty city, i'll give a 5* rating
Added by AnDReJ98 on Aug 16 2015, 01:17
Haha yea, thanks. Well it's called 'Episodes' after all, the purport is showing story from different point of views, just like in Episodes From Liberty City. Too bad i had to cancel the third story (sequel) which was supposed to be something similar to TBoGT (night clubs themed). Btw thanks for high rating and playing!
Added by Trilogy Games on Dec 17 2015, 22:58
Cool missions man 5/5!
Added by Arthur on Jan 25 2018, 22:44
Your missions are cool. I although have a crash issue with the 2nd part of the storyline where it happens after the countdown during the warehouse explosion.
Added by Arthur on Jan 27 2018, 02:16
Don't mind, Cleo 4.1 is better ^^

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